V kurzu se budeme věnovat zdravému životnímu stylu a jeho rozličným stránkám tak, abychom je ovládli jak co do slovní zásoby, tak gramatických prvků, které zajistí, že náš komunikační partner uslyší, co chceme, aby slyšel.
- Nutrition and Diet (macronutrients and micronutrients, mindful eating, emotional eating, the impact of food choices on physical and mental health)
- Physical Activity and Exercise (cardio, strength training, flexibility, and balance, the benefits of regular physical activity, integrating physical activity into daily life, avoiding injury and understanding recovery)
- Mental Health and Stress Management (the importance of mental well-being, stress management techniques, sleep hygiene and its effects on health, mental health conditions and emotional resilience)
- Healthy Habits and Lifestyle Choices (habit formation and breaking unhealthy habits, time management and productivity for well-being, the role of social connections, making long-term lifestyle changes)
*comparatives, un/countable nouns
*imperatives for giving instructions, future forms for goals
*modals for giving advice, expressions for emotions
*adverbs of frequency, conditionals
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