B2 - Pokročilí
Základní učebnice
Roadmap B2
Rozdělení kurzu
B2-I: U1-3
B2-II: U4-7
B2-III: U8-10
Profil studenta
Student rozumí delším promluvám, pokud téma dobře zná, je schopen vést dialog s rodilým mluvčím a dokáže se plynule vyjádřit k tématům, která ho zajímají, rozumí psaným textům na konkrétní témata.
Obsah kurzu B2 - I
- Talking to strangers: start a conversation and keep it going
- Describing an experience and a life lesson
- Personalities: interviewing someone about their personality
- Contributing effectively to a conversation or discussion
- Problems at work
- Social actions: making recommendations
- Responding to complaints
- Narrating a childhood memory
- Expressing an opinion
- Summarising an argument
- Complaining and giving / responding to feedback
Slovní zásoba
- Verbs with dependent prepositions
- Phrases to describe emotions
- Adjectives of character
- Verbs to describe a healthy lifestyle
- Phrases with get
- Social action
- Common complaints
- Memory
- Arguments
- Adjectives to describe food
- Question forms
- Past simple, past continuous, used to, would, keep + -ing
- Verb + noun collocations
- Present perfect simple and continuous
- The passive
- -ed and -ing adjectives
- Past perfect simple and continuous
- Comparatives and superlatives
- Forming adjectives
Obsah kurzu B2 - II
- Describing a precious possession in detail
- Talking about quantities
- Summarising a text
- Conflicts: dealing with and resolving
- Talking about things you love and loathe
- Negotiating
- Paraphrasing what someone has said
- Talking about possible consequences of situations
- Describing future plans with degrees of probability
- Summarising a situation and giving opinions and advice
- Leading a discussion and coming to a decision
Slovní zásoba
- Adjectives to describe things
- Job requirements
- 21st-century words
- Money phrases
- Crime (robbery)
- Phrases with leave
- Common idioms
- Negotiations
- Reporting verbs
- Social issues
- Collocations with make, take, do and give
- Personal and professional relationships
- Meetings and discussions
- Relative clauses
- Obligation and prohibition
- Forming verbs with en
- Quantifiers
- Adverb + adjective collocations
- verb + -ing and infinitive with to
- Reported speech
- Verb patterns after reporting verbs
- Real conditionals
- Future forms and degrees of probability
- Introductory It
Obsah kurzu B2 -III
- Talking about a favourite film / TV series
- Talking about other options and outcomes in the past
- Developing an argument for a class debate
- Speculating about unsolved mysteries
- Planning and giving a convincing argument
- Describing a personal experience
- Explaining a problem and asking for action
- Talking about future events
- Maintaining a discussion on interesting facts
- Giving detailed opinions
Slovní zásoba
- Events in films
- On the run: searching and hiding
- Visual art
- Mystery
- Knowledge
- Common phrasal verbs
- Problems with products and services
- Personal fulfillment
- Fame
- Persuasion and enforcement
- Second conditional
- Conditionals in the past
- Linkers of concession
- Past modals of deduction
- Verb patterns
- Phrasal verbs
- Future perfect and future continuous
- Articles
- Compound adjectives
Každý student je jedinečný, a proto si zaslouží i zcela individuální přístup. Právě tuto skutečnost reflektuje učebnice ROADMAP, která našim lektorům poskytuje větší flexibilitu ve výuce. S těmito chytrými učebnicemi se nyní můžete setkat v nově vypsaných skupinových kurzech angličtiny v Jipce.
„Studium angličtiny je cesta, jejíž cílovou destinací je schopnost mluvit sebevědomě a plynule. Roadmap umožňuje lektorům dovést své studenty tam, kam chtějí dojít.“
Damian Williams, autor učebnice Roadmap
Dle učebnice Roadmap se vyučuje v nových kurzech. V kurzech navazujících se může učebnice lišit. Pro informaci o učebnici v konkrétním kurzu nás kontaktujte na vyuka@jipka.cz nebo na tel. 224 210 422.
- Základní učebnice: Roadmap B2
- Rozdělení kurzu:
B2-I: U1-3
B2-II: U4-7
B2-III: U8-10
Profil studenta: Student rozumí delším promluvám, pokud téma dobře zná, je schopen vést dialog s rodilým mluvčím a dokáže se plynule vyjádřit k tématům, která ho zajímají, rozumí psaným textům na konkrétní témata.
- Talking to strangers: start a conversation and keep it going
- Describing an experience and a life lesson
- Personalities: interviewing someone about their personality
- Contributing effectively to a conversation or discussion
- Problems at work
- Social actions: making recommendations
- Responding to complaints
- Narrating a childhood memory
- Expressing an opinion
- Summarising an argument
- Complaining and giving / responding to feedback
- Verbs with dependent prepositions
- Phrases to describe emotions
- Adjectives of character
- Verbs to describe a healthy lifestyle
- Phrases with get
- Social action
- Common complaints
- Memory
- Arguments
- Adjectives to describe food
- Question forms
- Past simple, past continuous, used to, would, keep + -ing
- Verb + noun collocations
- Present perfect simple and continuous
- The passive
- -ed and -ing adjectives
- Past perfect simple and continuous
- Comparatives and superlatives
- Forming adjectives
- Describing a precious possession in detail
- Talking about quantities
- Summarising a text
- Conflicts: dealing with and resolving
- Talking about things you love and loathe
- Negotiating
- Paraphrasing what someone has said
- Talking about possible consequences of situations
- Describing future plans with degrees of probability
- Summarising a situation and giving opinions and advice
- Leading a discussion and coming to a decision
- Adjectives to describe things
- Job requirements
- 21st-century words
- Money phrases
- Crime (robbery)
- Phrases with leave
- Common idioms
- Negotiations
- Reporting verbs
- Social issues
- Collocations with make, take, do and give
- Personal and professional relationships
- Meetings and discussions
- Relative clauses
- Obligation and prohibition
- Forming verbs with en
- Quantifiers
- Adverb + adjective collocations
- verb + -ing and infinitive with to
- Reported speech
- Verb patterns after reporting verbs
- Real conditionals
- Future forms and degrees of probability
- Introductory It
- Talking about a favourite film / TV series
- Talking about other options and outcomes in the past
- Developing an argument for a class debate
- Speculating about unsolved mysteries
- Planning and giving a convincing argument
- Describing a personal experience
- Explaining a problem and asking for action
- Talking about future events
- Maintaining a discussion on interesting facts
- Giving detailed opinions
- Events in films
- On the run: searching and hiding
- Visual art
- Mystery
- Knowledge
- Common phrasal verbs
- Problems with products and services
- Personal fulfillment
- Fame
- Persuasion and enforcement
- Second conditional
- Conditionals in the past
- Linkers of concession
- Past modals of deduction
- Verb patterns
- Phrasal verbs
- Future perfect and future continuous
- Articles
- Compound adjectives